New Beginnings

I tried to start blogging back in 2015, but I never really got into the process.

Fast forward to September 2020 and I think I'll try again.

WHAT A YEAR IT HAS BEEN!!! So much sadness and sickness.......I pray this ends soon.

Have you been sewing? I have about 6 quilts that just need a backing seam sewn and then to quilt. Don't think this is some massive sewing year for me - the oldest top in the batch dates to 2013!

This is the oldest from 2013, I love this quilt and cannot understand what my problem is with my finishing projects. I have so many things I want to try, I get bored near the finish and start something else to give my mind a break. To be honest, I have about 15-20 WIP's some which have been sitting around these past years. Does anyone have any suggestions for me? Is anyone else in this sinking boat??? I'd love to hear from you.



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